

第110回日本美容外科学会(2022/5/27~28 東京) シンポジウム15 目 上眼瞼 二重修正からまなぶ二重手術で、当院理事長大場教弘が発表させていただきました。

座長のこいずみ形成クリニック 小泉正樹先生に深謝いたします。






大場教弘 大岩宏維 豊田梢 大場天祐子






Double eyelid revision surgery to narrow the eyelid width


Double eyelid revision surgery to narrow the eyelid width is a relatively difficult method because it is affected by the scar and the lack of eyelid skin. If the skin resection under the eyelid line is done to narrow the eyelid width, the eyelashes may be raised too much and the mucous membrane at the eyelid margin may be easily seen, resulting in an unnatural appearance. In principle, we perform double eyelid revision surgery without skin removal.

Before the surgery, we check the desired double eyelid width and design a new double eyelid line. Usually, the new eyelid width is set at about 5~8mm from the eyelashes. In order to make effective use of the limited amount of skin available, the surgeon usually does not remove any skin, but only makes a skin incision. After the skin incision is made, we undermine cephalad under the orbicularis oculi muscle, extending beyond the existing double eyelid line. The orbital septum is then opened at a point well beyond the anterior margin of the orbital septum to the new double eyelid line. The edge of the orbital septum is sutured to the eyelash-side orbicularis oculi with absorbable thread. The orbital fat is then relocated and attached to the new double eyelid line with absorbable thread. The orbicularis oculi muscle is then sutured into place with absorbable thread, and the skin sutures are closed with running sutures using non-absorbable thread. In the case of an eyelid ptosis, it is also effective to use eyelid ptosis surgery at the same time because the double width can easily appear wider.